Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shape Book Video

I have a three part series on how to create a shape book on your Gypsy. There are so many things going on in my life that it is hard to take a moment to make them. I may have follow up videos on how to complete your project. But right now, the main goal of these videos is to get you started on brainstorming your own shape books.

I have Bible Study tonight so I will get parts one and two uploaded before I leave, however, part three will come after Bible Study. They were really quick so kind of raw but you will get the idea. Hopefully in the coming weeks I will get to hone in on my video skills and produce better videos. I am new at this, so be gentle. :)

Happy Gypsying! Pin It


  1. Totally love your videos...awesome job!
    I wanted to let you know there is a award for you over on my blog.
    Keep up the good work!Look forward to more videos!

  2. Im really glad I found your blog. It has helped me a lot with my gypsy. Thank you!
