Being a gadget girl has it's disadvantages. Sure I can multitask in a single leap, make my way around the US like Lewis and Clark and keep up with family and friends with a touch of a button. But without power, I am left in the dark, lost and no way to get a hold of anyone. So power is of the utmost priority for me. I am always in search of it and in my house, I am not the only one.

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A common conversation in our house sounds like this:
Me: "Anyone seen my iPhone chord?"
Daughter: "Oh yeah, I took it because I left mine at _____ 's house."
Me: "Well, let me have it back, please."
Daughter: "But I haven't picked mine up yet"
Me: "Too bad...let me have it."
So we spend the next few days passing the cord back and forth. Until....she takes it to her friends house and forgets that one also. (sigh)
Then there is the second scenario.
Daughter: "Can _____ borrow your cord? She is spending the night but needs to get up for work in the morning?" (note...we have alarm clocks in the house but no one uses them).
Me: "What about me?"
Daughter: "Mom, she isn't going to take it and she is our guest." (sigh for me teaching her good manners)
Well this past holiday season, I decided enough was enough and I found these 4 way chargers from Brookstone. I loved them so much that I bought one for each member of my family and my daughter's closest friends. And as each one opened their gift, I told them to just keep this in your car/purse and you will never be powerless again. I recently used it on a trip to Fort Worth. You can charge pretty much any gadget with it and charge them in a variety of ways. Which is great, since I have to charge my Iphone, my headset and my bluetooth keyboard.
The hotel conveniently had power outlets in the base of the lamps (no getting down on hands and knees and reaching behind the bed for a powersource...thank you Comfort Inn). I just plugged the power into the base, connected the correct attachment and tada...I am charging.
But I don't have to plug into an outlet, on the left you can see the car charger and to the right is the USB so that you can power via computer or other USB power source. But that is not all. Up to this point, it is pretty ho hum, right? I mean sure, one gadget to charge several types of gadgets via several power sources, what is the big deal?
The big deal is the 9 volt batter you see in the picture. You see, if you are not near any power source, can you say airport, beach or sight seeing on vacation, all you need is a 9 volt battery. 9 volt batteries can be found anywhere. And if you have one, you have power for your gadgets? Don't believe me? Well just look.
This is my iPhone being charged by a 9 volt battery. A 9 volt battery will fully charge your IPhone. Ok, close you mouth. All of a sudden you know you need this thing. I bought mine on QVC. But you can buy it directly from Brookstone.
So if you are a gadget girl (boy) and worried about being unplugged, you might like this gadget. It does not charge my iPad. (booooo). But I am ok with that.
So here is a question for you. If you should lose your phone or it should lose charge, can you call someone? Do you have any phone numbers memorized? Are there any phone numbers you should have memorized that you don't?