Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dear God, I don't feel like running.

I didn't want to run this morning. I was tired. My alarm went off, I hit the snooze button and just started to stare at the wall. All these thoughts were going through my head. "Why do I have to get up? It is probably too hot. Do I have anything to wear? What if I do it in the evening? Is that a spider on the wall?" The music started to blare again so I hit the snooze button again and continued to contemplate running. "I know, I will run tomorrow. I am really tired, running while I am this tired is pointless...I won't get anything out of it. I should spend time in prayer each morning and not running....God, why did you give me such a slow metabolism? Father God, I am asking for favor in this situation. Please just miraculously make the fat disappear. If you can part the Red Sea, you can part my flab. I am claiming it now. When I step out of this bed, I will be thin and I will tell everyone how awesome you are and it will be done for Your Glory. Hallelujah Amen!

Music begins to blare again. I run my arms down my sides across my hips and thighs...nope, still flabby. Let's face it...if God removed my flab, I would celebrate with a huge wonderful Coconut Cake. I love coconut cake. I can eat a whole one in one day by myself. And God knows it. And if he changed my metabolism or miraculously removed my flab, I would just do more harm than good by celebrating with food. So I get up and run.

It was not eventful. I did it on the treadmill and I took some advice from an article from Active.com 4 Ways to Make Your Treadmill Workouts Fun. I put the TV on HGTV, strapped on my Nike+ and my HRM and started the treadmill. During the show I put the treadmill on incline of 5. During the commercials, I dropped down to an incline of 2. It was not fun but it was different and challenging. When you live in flat Seabrook, any bit of incline feels like Mount Everest. I am not kidding. If you want to do hill work around here, you have to run parking garages, run the Kemah Bridge, or travel to central Texas and find some real hills. We are so use to flat runs that a local running club hosts the Toughest 10K in Texas which is a course that loops the bridge twice. Yeah, I won't be doing that anytime soon. Pin It


  1. You sound like me in the morning...except it's not just for running...lol. I have found that telling myself (and my family) that I am getting up to run (or hit the gym) in the a.m. helps. I'm the kind of person who feels she has to do what she says she is going to do...and by telling the family, I feel like I have to stay accountable....but more importantly, I need to stay accountable to me. I live in a flat town, too...however, if I was to run in a different direction for about 1/2 mile, I'd be at a hill...a pretty drastic one at that...which is why I run in the other direction...lol. I've actually considered running up it...but it's pretty narrow and I don't want to be dealing with the cars on it.

    I agree with you - if my flab was to miraculously disappear, I'd be filling my face...it is the hard work I put in each day that makes me stop and think about what I'm putting into my body.

    Keep doing what you are doing....drag it out of bed...and get the miles in that you can. You know what it takes...and I believe in you.
