Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Dreadmill was calling and I answered

Yes, I broke down and got on the dreadmill. I hate the dreadmill. It takes a while to get to a comfortable speed, I can't increase and decrease my pace as needed without pushing a button and well I don't like having only one thing to look at...the dusty tree decor. Sure I have the TV on but QVC only had jewelry and HSN had facial products (blah). Did I like it? No, but I did it, so I like me.

On a cute side note: My dog Reba saw me put on my gadgets (Ipod and HRM) and she started jumping up and down. She thinks me putting on my gear equates to her going for a walk. Poor baby, she looked so hurt when I turned on the loud dreadmill and she was left lying on her doggie bed. Pin It


  1. Funny! My dog does the same thing and I feel so badly when instead of walking to the door, I head downstairs to the dusty basement.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! You have the right idea...just.keep.running. The only way to meet our goals and become better runner is time on the feet! Here's to a good 41st year for you! :-)
